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 Why South Africa Needs a New-Age HR Tech Platform – peopleHum

Why South Africa Needs a New-Age HR Tech Platform – peopleHum

September 10, 2024

"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." This African saying rings truer than ever today for South African companies dealing with the challenges of a modern workforce. As businesses expand, they see that "together" happens when people, systems, and processes link up . Let's be real - if you're running a business in South Africa, you're feeling the heat already. Not enough skilled workers, regulation nightmares, staff motivation at rock bottom, it's all going down, and it's going down . So here's the million-dollar question: why do so many firms still use old-school HR systems that handle daily tasks, never mind boost growth?

Companies that change with the times will succeed. Those that don't? They'll be scratching their heads trying to figure out where they went wrong. This is where a modern HR tech platform like peopleHum comes into play.

Why Old Methods No Longer Cut It

Let's be straight: HR isn't just about hiring and firing anymore. It's about culture, engagement, following rules, and most giving your people the tools to succeed. But here's the reality: 79% of South African companies are having a hard time bringing in and keeping top talent, according to PwC. The reason? They're stuck using HR systems that don't fit today's fast-changing work world.

We're discussing a workforce that's younger, tech-savvy, and remote. The traditional systems that once served HR well can't handle a world where employees expect instant feedback flexible work setups, and smooth teamwork across digital platforms. This explains why companies that stick to old tools are lagging behind.

This is where peopleHum joins the conversation—an HR platform that doesn't just keep pace but propels your team ahead.

The Engagement Issue: Why You Can't Ignore It

A big problem with employee engagement is building up in the workforce, and it's worse than it looks. Workers who aren't engaged are pulling your company down. Gallup reports that 67% of employees don't feel connected to their jobs. Just think - over half of your staff isn't giving their best effort.

Here's the twist: employees who aren't engaged don't just slack off; they cost money. They're the ones who leave quicker, produce less, and bring down team spirit. peopleHum turns this around. It's more than just a platform; it's a set of tools made to tackle lack of engagement . From systems that give feedback right away to tracking how well people do - which is more about helping them grow than just grading them - peopleHum makes sure every worker feels important, connected, and driven to do their best.

What's this mean for your company? You'll keep more staff, get more done, and build a workplace that draws top people. Here's some proof—businesses with committed workers see a 21% boost in profits. This isn't just some HR fad; it's how you stay in the game.

Compliance Mess: How to Avoid Trouble

Let's address the big issue—following rules. South Africa's work laws are tricky, and if your HR setup can't handle them, you're taking a big risk. Messing up with rules doesn't just cost cash—it can ruin your name.

This is where peopleHum excels. Its automated compliance tools make sure you're always on top of every legal requirement. You won't miss deadlines, make payroll mistakes, or rush to fix things at the last second. With peopleHum, compliance becomes one fewer thing to worry about.

It's similar to having an HR team that works 24/7 ensuring everything follows South Africa's changing labor laws. Believe me, you don't want to be the company that learns the hard way that overlooking one rule can result in big fines and legal problems.

Flexibility and Scalability: Why One Size Doesn't Fit All

Work is changing . Hybrid setups remote groups, and freelancers are changing our view of the workplace. So why do many HR systems still use the "one-size-fits-all" approach? The future needs flexibility, and your HR platform should have it too.

peopleHum is made to be flexible. Whether you're in charge of a small team in Cape Town or growing a worldwide workforce, peopleHum fits your needs. Want to bring new people on board? It's simple. Need to manage performance? It's smooth. Looking to keep employees engaged? It's built-in and easy to use.

The platform expands with your company offering an ideal answer for businesses aiming to grow without the trouble of outpacing their technology. It's not just about keeping things running—it's to secure your HR processes for the future so you can concentrate on expansion without being slowed down by ineffective systems.

Why peopleHum Is the Answer South Africa Needs

The South African business scene is changing fast. Working from home isn't just a fad anymore—it's essential. What workers want is shifting, and the race to get the best employees is tougher than ever. South African companies need more than just an HR tool; they need a platform that acts as a strategic ally.

peopleHum gives you that. It's more than just software—it's an answer to handle the ins and outs of modern HR management while helping your team reach their best. It makes daily tasks easier, takes care of the boring stuff, and provides you with insights to make better quicker choices.

Why be okay with good when you can have awesome?

To wrap up

Here's the main point: South African businesses face a key decision. Keep using old HR systems, and you'll see a drop in talent, productivity, and your edge over competitors. But choose a modern HR tech platform like peopleHum, and you set your company up to thrive in a world that's more digital, flexible, and competitive than ever.

peopleHum does more than just handle HR—it changes it for the better. It helps you to tap into your workforce's full potential, stay on top of regulations, and create a work environment people love. Want to make a change? peopleHum can support you—because the future of HR in South Africa is here now, and it's time to take the lead.

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