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10 things to keep in mind when managing employee expense reimbursements

10 things to keep in mind when managing employee expense reimbursements

Pearl Remedios
May 14, 2024

Ever thought about whether your reimbursement policies truly meet your employees' needs? 

Employees appreciate feeling valued for their hard work, and managing their expense reimbursements plays a significant role in this. But the bigger question is, what benefits are they entitled to? Let's dive in.

Companies recognize the importance of fairly rewarding employees to boost morale and motivation. Reimbursing them for work-related expenses is one way to show their financial well-being matters. Such companies are better positioned to attract and retain top talent. After all, who wouldn't want to work for a company that values their contributions?

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Types of reimbursements

There are three main types of employee expense reimbursements you'll encounter in many companies:

1. Travel and mileage: This covers expenses employees incur while traveling for work, like flights, hotels and car rentals as well as reimbursement for mileage when using their personal vehicles.

2. Business expense: These reimbursements include any expenses directly related to conducting business such as meals with clients, office supplies or equipment purchases.

3. Healthcare: This category covers expenses related to employee healthcare such as medical treatments, prescriptions, or health insurance premiums, which the company may reimburse.

10 things to bear in mind when managing employee reimbursements slips

Vigilance in managing employee reimbursement slips is essential to prevent errors and maintain trust. Ensure accuracy for fair compensation and compliance with policies. Safeguard sensitive financial information to uphold confidentiality and regulatory standards. 

Following are a few essential tips to consider:

1. Focus on clear guidelines:

Setting clear guidelines ensures everyone understands the rules of the reimbursement game. From outlining eligible expenses to explaining the submission process, these guidelines act as a roadmap for both employees and HR teams.

2. Make the documentation process mandatory:

Think of documentation as the backbone of reimbursement. By mandating thorough documentation—such as receipts, expense reports, and other relevant paperwork—you're ensuring transparency and accuracy in the reimbursement process. It's like having a paper trail to support every reimbursement request.

3. Process the slips in a timely manner:

Time is of the essence when it comes to reimbursements. Promptly processing reimbursement requests ensures that employees aren't left waiting for their hard-earned money. Establishing clear timelines and efficient procedures helps streamline the process and keeps everyone happy.

4. Expedite the approval process:

Every reimbursement needs a green light. Having a structured approval process—complete with designated approvers and clear criteria—ensures fairness and consistency across the board. It's like having a checkpoint to verify that each reimbursement meets the company's standards.

5. Stay on the right side of the law through compliance:

Compliance is the name of the game when it comes to reimbursement. Staying abreast of relevant laws, regulations, and company policies ensures that reimbursement practices are above board. It's about playing by the rules to protect both employees and the company.

6. Communicate transparently:

Communication is key to a smooth reimbursement process. Transparently communicating reimbursement policies, procedures, and any updates or changes fosters understanding and trust among employees. It's like keeping everyone in the loop to avoid confusion or misunderstandings.

7. Vouch for accuracy:

Accuracy is the linchpin of reimbursement integrity. Double-checking reimbursement slips for accuracy and completeness before processing ensures that every penny is accounted for. It's about dotting the i's and crossing the t's to maintain accuracy and fairness.

8. Install privacy control:

Privacy is paramount in reimbursement operations. Implementing robust privacy controls safeguards sensitive financial information and protects employee privacy. It's like putting up a firewall to ensure that confidential data remains secure and confidential.

9. File the records:

Keeping records organized is the secret sauce of reimbursement management. Maintaining meticulous records of reimbursement slips—both electronically and physically—ensures easy access for auditing and reference purposes. It's like building a filing system to keep everything neat and tidy for future scrutiny.

10. Promote continuous improvement:

Embracing a mindset of continuous improvement ensures that reimbursement processes evolve with the times. Regularly reviewing and refining reimbursement procedures—based on employee feedback and industry best practices—enhances efficiency and employee satisfaction. It's about striving for excellence and adapting to meet the ever-changing needs of employees and the organization.

How can HR tech bridge the gap between receipts and reimbursements?

HR tech, especially peopleHum payroll, can be a game-changer for managing receipts and reimbursements. Instead of drowning in paperwork, employees can easily upload their expense receipts directly into the system. This saves time and reduces the risk of losing important documents. The software then takes over, routing receipts for approval based on company policies. This means reimbursements are processed faster, so employees get their money sooner. Plus, it keeps a digital record of all transactions, making auditing a breeze. In short, HR tech makes managing receipts and reimbursements smoother and more efficient for everyone involved.

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People Also Ask

What is the expense reimbursement process?

The expense reimbursement process is how employers compensate employees for business-related expenses they cover. Employees submit reimbursement requests with receipts, which are reviewed against company policies. Once approved, employees are reimbursed. Clear communication and guidance ensure everyone understands the process, allowing our team to focus on their work without financial concerns.

What is a reimbursement expense from a company?

A reimbursement expense from a company occurs when an employee incurs costs related to their work responsibilities and pays for them personally. Subsequently, upon submission of appropriate documentation and approval, the company reimburses the employee for these expenditures. It ensures that employees are not financially burdened by necessary business expenses and maintains transparency in financial transactions within the organization.

Is reimbursement of expenses taxable under salary?

In many cases, reimbursements for legitimate business expenses, such as travel or client meals, are not taxed as part of your salary. However, it's wise to verify with HR or a tax professional, as some exceptions may apply.

Is reimbursement part of gross salary?

Reimbursement is usually separate from your gross salary. It's a refund for business expenses you've paid out of pocket, like travel or client lunches, and doesn't add to your salary.

What is the difference between refund and reimbursement?

A refund is when you get your money back for a purchase you made, while reimbursement is when someone else, like your employer, pays you back for expenses you incurred on their behalf.

How much HRA can be claimed?

The amount of House Rent Allowance (HRA) you can claim depends on various factors like your salary, the rent you pay, and where you live. Typically, it's a portion of your salary set by your employer to help cover your rental expenses. To figure out how much you can claim, you'll need to check your company's policy or speak with your HR department. They'll have the specifics on what's allowed and how to go about claiming it. It's worth looking into because HRA can be a helpful benefit, especially if you're renting a place.

What are the types of employee expenses?

Employee expenses can come in different shapes and sizes, depending on the nature of the job and the company's policies. Here are some common types:

  • Travel expenses: This includes things like airfare, hotel stays, rental cars, and meals while you're away on business trips.
  • Entertainment expenses: These are costs associated with entertaining clients or colleagues, like meals or event tickets.
  • Office supplies and equipment: Anything you buy to help you do your job, like pens, paper, or even a new laptop, could be considered an employee expense.
  • Professional development: Expenses related to furthering your skills or knowledge, such as conference fees or training courses, might be reimbursed by your employer.
  • Home office expenses: If you work from home, you might be able to claim things like internet bills or a portion of your rent or mortgage as expenses.
  • Mileage: If you use your own car for work-related travel, you could be reimbursed for the miles you drive.

These are just a few examples, but employee expenses can cover a wide range of things. It's always a good idea to check with your company's policies to see what's eligible for reimbursement.

Who can claim reimbursement?

Eligibility for reimbursement typically depends on your job responsibilities and company policies. If you incur expenses related to your work, such as travel or purchasing supplies, you may be able to claim reimbursement.

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10 things to keep in mind when managing employee expense reimbursements

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