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Tech-ing It To The Next Level : Benefits Of Using HR Software In Kenya’s Silicon Savannah

Tech-ing It To The Next Level : Benefits Of Using HR Software In Kenya’s Silicon Savannah

Mahi Pillai
July 26, 2024


Imagine having the best HR department in the world, but still being let down by slow procedures. Sounds familiar? That's the tale of every HR professional attempting to make a name for themselves in Kenya's rapidly expanding IT industry.

The tech scene in Kenya is currently hotter than a ghaf tree in the Nairobi sun, rightfully dubbed the “silicon savannah” this east African country is a breeding ground for innovations and tech startups. This rapid expansion, while seemingly exciting, brings with it a unique set of challenges for managing human resources that might require a little more innovative solutions to tackle then you might think.

So buckle up as we take you  through some common human resource challenges which show up unannounced at the door and how to greet them efficiently, because let’s face it dealing with people can be a pain in the matako, but fear not ! We have got the inside scoop on how our HR software can help you navigate this forest.

Let's unpack these issues with the warmth of a Kenyan smile and the resilience that saw us through the toughest times.


What's the Kenyan tech landscape like?

Kenya’s ICT sector has undoubtedly become the nyama choma of the country’s economy - juicy, essential, growing by a whopping 10.8% in 2019 and contributing to almost 8.8% to the GDP. That’s a lot of zeros and ones, folks!

With more than 200 active tech hubs, startups and incubation centers in Nairobi alone, that's probably more hubs than there are matatu routes in the city! This simultaneously creates complex challenges for the HR professionals who need to adapt to the sector’s unique demands.

Common HR challenges and actionable solutions to implement

The rich heritage of Kenya makes it crucial for the HR leaders to put on more hats than a mitumba dealer by being tech-smart, culturally compliant, and a forward thinking mindset in  all their endeavours. As we go deep into these challenges, we'll explore not just the obstacles, but the innovative solutions that will help shape the future of HR work in Kenya's booming tech industry.

1) Acquiring the right talent:

In a sector that’s growing even faster than the national debt, it’s safe to say that finding the right talent can be harder than it seems. There’s a huge gap between the employment needs and the workforce available. The demand for skilled tech workers often surpasses the supply, leaving HR managers often scratching their heads (and probably losing a few hairs in the process).

On the other hand universities in Kenya are pushing out tech graduates faster and faster, not realizing there's often a mismatch between what's taught in the curriculum and what the industry actually needs.

Additionally due to Brain Drain, Kenya is losing their brightest talents to overseas opportunities much like losing our precious artifacts to foreign museums. HR managers find themselves competing not just locally, but globally for top talent.

So what’s the solution here ? Cast a wider net ! Maybe it’s time to think outside the box or perhaps maybe outside the border ? Try overseas recruitment strategies to hire talent from across the globe and also partner up with local universities to develop curriculum which is the right fit for the industry.

With peoplehum’s integrated and automated resume screener, you can say goodbye to those long hours of manual resume screening. It’s like having a tireless assistant by all at all times who never sleeps. Faster than a cheetah chasing it’s next meal - it’ll help you find your next tech superstar. Additionally, with data driven insights on factors like hiring cost and time to hire, will help you make decisions faster than you can say “Furaha!”

2) Retaining employees the right way:

Once you find that perfect star, the work doesn't end there. The tech sector is very infamous for job hopping due to competitive poaching from other companies (Like a hyena at a buffalo crossing), Rapid skill decline (faster than last year’s iphone) and also the temptation of the startup ecosystem (everyone wants to be the next M-Kopa or sendy).

Moreover employees tend to shift jobs due to prioritizing work life balance over long term loyalty and thus begins the never-ending game of playing musical chairs with our workforce.

According to a 2022 survey, 63% of Kenyan tech workers cited career growth opportunities as their top reason for staying with an employer. So, unless you want your office to look like a ghost town, start investing in your people!

How do you do it ? Well create a sticky situation (the right kind) and focus on building a work family as strong as our communities.

  • Develop a company culture that encourages learning and growth that much like how the rich kenyan traditions are passed down.
  • Offer flexible work arrangements to accommodate the various workforce
  • Align goals of the company with employee values creating a sense of purpose

Our HR software has a dedicated module for employee engagement tools with features like the HR notice board and employee voice, fostering a culture of recognition, appreciation and constant feedback. Our chat hum feature facilitates team collaboration, while the performance management module helps in regular check-ins with the employees and goal settings.

3) Adapting to rapid changes:

The only constant in the tech world is change, the skills that are cutting edge and relevant now might be as outdated and as useless as a floppy disk in the next 5 years, this puts pressure on both the HR professionals as well as the employees to constantly keep learning and updating their skills.

Be ready to switch up faster than a rugby player. Invest in HR Software tools to streamline processes and free up time for strategic thinking.

Remember, in the tech world, if you're not moving forward, you're basically moonwalking into irrelevancy.

The solution is to be open to implement various tools to streamline the HR process. Implement a robust learning management system for continuous learning. Job rotation and cross functional training for a more versatile workforce.

peopleHum got you covered in that as well! Our LMS module helps HR managers to efficiently integrate continuous learning modules into employee schedules. Our no-code platform is so easy to use that even your least tech savvy team member will feel like a guru.

4) Managing a multi-generational workforce:

Kenya’s tech scene is unique in its way as it tries to integrate cutting edge innovative solutions into their traditional businesses. What’s the result of this ? You get a workforce that spans across generations with each having their own work style.

Managing this diverse workforce often becomes a tedious task for the HR professionals since everyone has their own communication style, career expectations and preferences. Bridging this gap between generations is crucial to foster a work environment that is productive and harmonious.

How do you do it ? Well start by developing flexible management strategies as well as promote collaboration between them.

  • Flexible work policies to cater to different generational preferences
  • Create programs to bring together the experienced staff with the young force

Our HR software in kenya offers various communication and collaboration tools that cater to different work styles. From instant messaging for quick check-ins to structured 1-on-1 meetings, our platform can help bridge communication gaps between generations.


The challenges facing HR in our tech sector are as numerous as the wildlife in the Maasai Mara, but like the ancestors who built this nation, you have the strength and wisdom to overcome them. With the right strategies, tools, and our unwavering Kenyan spirit, you can turn these challenges into stepping stones for success. PeopleHum's HR software is here to hold your hand through it all. As the Kenyan tech sector evolves, let it be guided by the same principles that have always made Kenya great - the unity in diversity, the resilience in the face of challenges, and the innovative spirit that turns dreams into reality. Pamoja tusonge mbele - together, let's move forward!

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Tech-ing It To The Next Level : Benefits Of Using HR Software In Kenya’s Silicon Savannah

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