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5 ways to be happier at work
Employee Centricity

5 ways to be happier at work

December 27, 2023

You know those days when everything at work just clicks? And then those other days where it's like slogging through mud? It's fascinating, right? 

It's not just about what's on your to-do list; it's about how you approach your day, mentally and emotionally. 

We often chase job satisfaction like it's a prize at the end of a maze. But what if it's not about the maze or the prize, but how you walk through it?

It is important to reflect on what matters, on what truly makes us happy. Your happiness may be hidden in the work that you do or the people that you work with. Fostering that sense of belonging in the workplace makes all our jobs more enjoyable and eventually gives us a sense of satisfaction. Here are 5 things you can do to  make your workplace your happy place. 

5 ways to be happy at work:

1. Finish the most challenging task of the day first

'Eat that Frog,' as Brian Tracy would say. Usually, the first few hours of the day are our most productive ones. Our energy is high, and we have the potential to get a lot of things done.

Start your day by finishing the most difficult task that you have on your plate. We should use our first half to our advantage and leave the less important tasks for the second half of the day, which will make us feel more in power. When we are at our most productive, we are happier at work. 

Why it works:

  • Sense of achievement: Completing a tough task first can give a significant confidence boost.
  • Increased productivity: It helps in maintaining high productivity levels throughout the day, as the most daunting task is already out of the way.

2. Find the silver lining

Every task has a bright side. Complex problem? A chance to shine. Turning your perspective around transforms mundane into meaningful, making each task a step towards satisfaction. This approach isn't about ignoring the difficulties; it's about reframing them. For instance, instead of dreading a difficult project, consider it an opportunity to acquire new skills or improve existing ones. This approach can lead to greater job satisfaction, as you perceive every task as a stepping stone to personal and professional growth, rather than just another item on your to-do list.

The benefits:

  • Increased job satisfaction: This approach can lead to a greater sense of job satisfaction.
  • Personal growth: You'll start seeing each task as a stepping stone in your journey of personal and professional growth.

3. Build meaningful connections at work 

If you think of your workplace as a place where you clock in, get your work done and clock out, you might want to think again. it's not just about tasks but also about the people you work with? It's worth pondering because those connections could hold the key to your happiness.

Let's throw in a fact to ponder: In 2022, a staggering 85% of employees reported that they felt more connected and engaged at work when they had strong relationships with their coworkers​. That's nearly 8 out of 10 people finding joy at work through connections.

Let’s dive a little deeper: 

1. Going beyond hi and bye: Are your workplace interactions limited to surface-level conversations? It's not about small talk; it's about meaningful conversations. Ask your colleagues about their interests, goals, and passions. You might discover common ground you never knew existed.

2. Seeking out diverse perspectives: Are you sticking with your usual circle, or are you open to mingling with colleagues from different departments? Make an effort to engage with other team members. You’ll be surprised at how diverse perspectives can lead to innovative solutions and personal growth.

3. Be a Mentor and a Mentee: Consider both giving and receiving mentorship. Sharing your knowledge and experiences can be rewarding, and seeking guidance from others can be equally enlightening.

4. Participating in work events: Are those office events just another item on your calendar? Conferences, workshops, and seminars are not only great learning opportunities but also places to connect with like-minded professionals.

5. Creating a workplace 'Inner circle':  Identify a group of colleagues with whom you can regularly connect and share ideas. This inner circle can become your support system during challenging times.

4. Lend a helping hand to a colleague at work

Now, this is fascinating: Helping your coworkers isn't just about being nice. It's a happiness hack. Each act of assistance sends ripples through your workplace, creating a cycle of positivity. It's like being a happiness ninja, stealthily boosting morale. This creates a positive work environment and fosters a culture of cooperation and support​

The benefits:

  • Ripple effect of positivity: Each act of assistance can improve the overall morale and culture of cooperation.
  • Personal satisfaction: Assisting others can also increase your own sense of happiness and fulfillment at work.

5. Ending your day celebrating small wins and with gratitude

Our brains tend to focus on the negative, but you can retrain this bias. Take a moment at the end of each workday to reflect on what went well or what you're grateful for. This simple practice can significantly impact your overall happiness and satisfaction at work​‍.

What’s in it for you:

  • Counter negativity bias: This practice can shift your focus from the day's challenges to its successes.
  • Boost in morale: Regularly acknowledging small achievements and practicing gratitude can significantly enhance your overall happiness and satisfaction at work.

To sum it up: A happy workplace, a happy you!

Every challenge is a chance to reframe, every colleague a potential ally, and every day a new opportunity. As you close your workday, will you be left with frustration or gratitude?

Your workplace is where you spend a significant part of your life. It's time to ask yourself: Are you crafting a routine or a legacy? The decision is yours, and it's more impactful than you might think.

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